Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Obama live

The apparent head of Sen. Barack Obama's headquarters in Riverside just announced a request for volunteers to go stand in front of local polling places. These volunteers were asked to hold signs which inform "declined to state" voters that they must request party specific presidential primary ballots. In order to vote for Obama, for example, a "declined to state" voter would need to request a Democratic ballot.

Obama Live

Alethia is interviewing Jose Medina, a member of Riverside City College's Board of Trustees.

Obama live

Alethia Meloncon (right) and Stephanie Holland (left), interim news editor and interim Insider editor, respectively, are preparing to conduct interviews for Viewpoints in print.

Obama Live

The preliminary results for Georgia are in; Obama is predicted to win with 60 percent of the vote.

Obama Live

We're here at the Obama camp in Riverside. People are making phone calls and the whole team appears to be working hard.

Obama Live

Hang on:
Starting at about 4 p.m. we're going to start updating information live from Sen. Barack Obama's campaign office in Riverside. So, stay tuned for updates, pictures and videos.

Editor's note: Viewpoints does not endorse a presidential candidate. Sen. Barack Obama has a campaign office in Riverside. Other presidential candidates not featured do not have offices in Riverside.